‘On My Father’s Refusal to Renew his Subscription to The Beijing Review’, https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/my-fathers-refusal-renew-his-subscription-beijing-review/
Academic Links
- University of Glasgow staff webpage: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/critical/staff/willymaley/#/additionalinformation,researchinterests,supervision,teaching,publications
- Willy Maley, ‘You’ll Have Had Your Theatre’ (on Irvine Welsh), Spike Magazine (1 January 1999), https://spikemagazine.com/0199welshplay/
- ‘Counting on Collaboration, Accounting for Success: eSharp, The Kelvingrove Review, and Historical Perspectives’, eSharp 10: Orality and Literacy (Winter 2007), http://www.gla.ac.uk/media/media_64941_en.pdf
- ‘Sentenced to Fifteen Years: The Story of Creative Writing at Glasgow since 1995’, International Literary Quarterly (2010), http://interlitq.wordpress.com/2010/01/17/in-sentenced-to-fifteen-years-willy-maley-reflects-on-the-creative-writing-masters-at-glasgow-university-which-he-co-founded-in-1995/
- ‘On the Abolition of the Scottish Department’, in Anthony Jarrells and Patrick Scott (eds.), Studies in Scottish Literature new series 38, 1 (2012), http://scholarcommons.sc.edu/ssl/vol38/iss1/10
- ‘Review of Alan Bissett, Pack Men (London: Hachette Scotland, 2011)’, The Bottle Imp 13 (2013), https://www.thebottleimp.org.uk/2013/05/pack-men-by-alan-bissett/
- ‘Fatal Attraction: Programme Note for National Theatre of Scotland production of The Driver’s Seat, by Muriel Spark, adapted and directed by Laurie Sansom, Touring to The Lyceum, Edinburgh (13 to 27 June 2015) and Tramway, Glasgow (2 to 4 July 2015), Theatre Programme, pp. 4-5; published online as ‘All Personality is Performance’ at http://national-theatre-scotland.tumblr.com/post/121182003585/all-personality-is-performance
- ‘Review Essay: Elizabeth I and Ireland,’ Spenser Review 45.2.33 (Fall 2015), ISSN 1559-1697, [6000-word review of Brendan Kane and Valerie McGowan-Doyle (eds.), Elizabeth I and Ireland (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014)], http://www.english.cam.ac.uk/spenseronline/review/item/45.2.33
- ‘Imagining Circles’: Review essay on The Shakespeare Circle: An Alternative Biography, ed. Paul Edmondson and Stanley Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)’, Spenser Review 46, 1 (Spring-Summer 2016), http://www.english.cam.ac.uk/spenseronline/review/volume-46/461/the-shakespeare-circle-an-alternative-biography
- Co-author, with Kirsty Lusk, ‘We need to talk about the Easter Rising’, The Irish Voice 30 (January 2016), p. 6, http://www.theirishvoice.com/comment.html, http://www.theirishvoice.com/uploads/1/0/4/4/10442324/january_2016.pdf
- ‘Scotland and the Easter Rising: How #indyref may have changed the narrative’, CommonSpace (29 January 2016), https://www.commonspace.scot/articles/3360/scotland-and-easter-rising-how-indyref-may-have-changed-narrative
- Co-author, with Kirsty Lusk, ‘Six days that shook the world: how the Easter Rising changed everything’, The Conversation (4 April 2016), https://theconversation.com/six-days-that-shook-the-world-how-the-easter-rising-changed-everything-57140
- ‘Glasgow Writers: Willy Maley’, Pat Byrne, Pat’s Guide to Glasgow West End (May 2016), http://www.glasgowwestend.co.uk/glasgow-writer-willy-maley/
- ‘View from Scotland: we are not facing the end of the EU, but the break-up of Britain’, Times Higher Education (24 June 2016), https://www.timeshighereducation.com/blog/view-scotland-we-are-not-facing-end-eu-break-britain
- ‘Playing favourites: How do you pick Scotland’s best book?’, BBC Arts (1 August 2016), http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/GzNYVJSdbHt42YVYw4VHpW/playing-favourites-how-do-you-pick-scotlands-best-book
- ‘Scotland shouldn’t rush second indyref – that’s Ireland’s bitter lesson’, The Conversation (September 16, 2016), https://theconversation.com/scotland-shouldnt-rush-second-indyref-thats-irelands-bitter-lesson-65486
- ‘Far Distant, Far Distant: Orwell, My Father and Catalonia’ (2017), http://freedomtv.scot/watch-2/opinion/far-distant-far-distant-orwell-my-father-catalonia/
- ‘Spenser and Europe: Britomart after Brexit’, Spenser Review 47.3.42 (Fall 2017), http://www.english.cam.ac.uk/spenseronline/review/item/47.3.42
- ‘Spark on Screen: The Book-to-screen Adaptations of Muriel Spark’, Scottish Book Trust (17 October 2016), http://scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2016/10/spark-on-screen-the-book-to-screen-adaptations-of-muriel-spark
- ‘Hearing Voices: Muriel Spark on the Radio’, Scottish Book Trust blog (Monday 12 December 2016), http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2016/12/hearing-voices-muriel-spark-on-the-radio
- ‘Muriel Spark, Sports Commentary, and the Spoken Word’, http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2017/08/muriel-spark-sports-commentary-and-the-spoken-word?qt-blog_extras=0, 7 August 2017.
- ‘The Right Woman for the Job? Muriel Spark’s The Only Problem’, The Bottle Imp 22 (2017), ISSN 1754-1514, https://www.thebottleimp.org.uk/2017/10/right-woman-job-muriel-sparks-problem/
- ‘Muriel Spark Burns Bright on Burns Night’ Scottish Book Trust blog (23 January 2018), http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2018/01/muriel-spark-burns-bright-on-burns-night
- ‘The Crème de la Crème: Old Favourites, New- Fangled Works, and Other Fictions’, Studies in Scottish Literature 43, 2 (2018): 179-184, https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/ssl/vol43/iss2/2/
- ‘Muriel Spark on Love’, Scottish Book Trust blog (12 February 2018), http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2018/02/muriel-spark-on-love
- Willy Maley, ‘Dr Spark, I presume? The return of Muriel Spark’s forgotten drama’, Scottish Book Trust Blog (14 August 2018), http://scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2018/08/dr-spark-i-presume-the-return-of-muriel-spark’s-forgotten-drama
- Willy Maley, ‘Muriel Spark: Child Writer, Childhood Writer, Children’s Writer’, Scottish Book Trust Blog (29 August 2018), http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2018/08/muriel-spark-childhood-writer
- Willy Maley, ‘The Long Read: Muriel Spark and Africa’, Scottish Book Trust Blog (5 November 2018), http://scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2018/11/long-read-muriel-spark-and-africa?fbclid=IwAR0fpw_g49so_gFQa6zNR-8Ej90Hs-TR1i3-Y17bu0HXQrz-9irj-JJcrPY
- Willy Maley, ‘Spark Life: The Biographies of Muriel Spark’, Scottish Book Trust Blog (19 December 2018), http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2018/12/spark-life-the-biographies-of-muriel-spark.
- ‘Ralegh Studies: A Plea for a New Subject’, in ‘Ralegh at 400’, The Spenser Review 48.3.1 (2018), https://www.english.cam.ac.uk/spenseronline/review/item/48.3.1/
- Podcast on James James Connolly’s “The Agitator’s Wife”: https://allhailtothepod.blubrry.net/2019/03/13/james-connollys-the-agitators-wife/
- Willy Maley, ‘My Life in Libraries’, Scottish Book Trust Blog (13 March 2019), http://www.scottishbooktrust.com/blog/reading/2019/03/my-life-in-libraries
Creative Links
- From the Calton to Catalonia by John and Willy Maley, recording of the last night of the first run of this play about the Scots who fought Franco during the Spanish Civil War, filmed at the Lithgow Theatre, Pearce Institute, Govan, Glasgow on Friday 7 December 1990, staged by Mean City (unlimited) Theatre Company, directed by Alex McSherry, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt5lY9DqY4Y
- Gallowglass, a play by John Maley and Willy Maley, directed by Nick Beaton. A performance by Milton Arts and Parts (MAPS) at Gorbals Unemployed Workers’ Centre, 7 June 1991 (NB: there are long blank screen breaks between acts), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kI48pPHHnhc
- ‘On My Father’s Refusal to Renew His Subscription to The Beijing Review’, https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/my-fathers-refusal-renew-his-subscription-beijing-review/
- ‘Perfect Passing’, http://www.thecelticwiki.com/page/PERFECT+PASSING+by+Willy+Maley
Other Links
- ‘The Shirt’ (1986). Written and directed by Graeme Bowman, starring Willy Maley, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE19AKNYUMI&t=15s
- ‘Big Words, Small Worlds’, Channel 4, 22 November 1987, https://keywords.pitt.edu/videos/video_6.html
- ‘James Maley International Brigader interview 12 July 2004’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZvvN3Xe0Nw
- James Maley (1908-2007) and Members of No. 2 Machine Gun Company of the British Battalion of the 15th International Brigade after their capture at the Battle of Jarama on 13 February 1937, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO7KXGdxmlo
- ‘Glasgow Colours: Glasgow Rangers Vs Celtic FC – Documentary’, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiz2XxbMzZM
- ‘Lisbon Lions’:- BBC Radio Scotland May 2017, repeated as a tribute to the late Billy McNeill on 28 April 2019.Programme at 30.17, Willy Maley introduced by Kevin MccKenna at 45.45. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0004kx2?fbclid=IwAR2MYeVPiZI_12ENwT1iZxExt883NyDZDIbDpUAhpMghDvmX8137kEwpw-U
- http://www.footballmemories.org.uk/memories/clubs/3-celtic/64-willy-maley/ – part of Alzheimer Scotland’s Football Reminiscence project.
- http://interlitq.org/blog/2010/01/17/in-sentenced-to-fifteen-years-willy-maley-reflects-on-the-creative-writing-masters-at-glasgow-university-which-he-co-founded-in-1995/